Please Join us each Sunday at 10:30 for Worship
9:30 for Sunday School
Adult Sunday School Class is studying the book of Esther
February 9, 2025
Sermon: You Are Now Free to Dance
Scripture: Revelations 19:5-8;
II Corinthians 10:3-5 Join us live on Facebook Facebook.com/PegramUnitedMethodistChurch
Reverend Denise Settle

If this is something that you need...
we have an elevator as well as large print bulletins and
hearing assistance devices!
Come Join Us for Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.
Adult and Children's Classes.
of the Lord
The Belt of


Special Church Activities
Easter Egg Hunt

Church Clean Up Day

Shrove (Fat Tuesday)
Pancake Supper
Special Events
to come

Easter Flowering of the Cross

Weekly Happenings at Pegram UMC:
Monday's 5:30 p.m. AA Meeting
Wednesday's 11:00 a.m. Community Senior Lunch & Bingo
(no lunch/bingo December 20th, 27th and January 3)
Please call Melanie Smiley to reserve a first time spot - 615-879-4364
2nd Wednesday 6:00 p.m. UMW Meeting
Friday's 11:30 a.m. AA Meeting
May we be of help to you?
Contact Us
pegramumc@gmail.com 615-646-6033
More Fun Times!!!!

Annual Fish Fry

Cookout and Youth Lock In
Trunk or Treat

Meet the Pastor
Pastor Denise comes to Pegram United Methodist Church after serving a part time appointment for 17 1/2 years with the Tennessee Ridge Charge in Houston County. She retired at the end of the 2022 school year after working for the Stewart County Public School System since 1991. Born and raised in Johnson City, Tennessee, Denise has two daughters and two grandsons. She has been a Girl Scout Leader, a youth group leader and served in numerous community organizations such as Friends of the Public Library, Celebrate Recovery, Kairos Prison Ministry, Emmaus and 11 years as coordinator of the Stewart County Schools Weekend Backpack Program.
"I am so very excited to be in Pegram and to be a part of this lovely community. I look forward to getting to know people and being involved in community activities. We are called to serve our fellow man and to make disciples. Together, we can make a difference for the kingdom of God. "

Church History
The ministry currently known as Pegram United Methodist Church, has roots that go back more than 200 years. It began when the Pegram family moved to the area and established the Ebenezer Meeting House. The first Ebenezer Meeting House was built around 1808 on a hill above Cave Springs. Records indicate the church was a member of the Western Conference, and the first minister on record was Willim Crutchfield in 1810. In 1812 the Tennessee Conference began the first quarterly Conference known as the Lebanon Circuit, and the Ebenezer Church was one of its 23 members.
The first church building was destroyed during the Civil War, and the second building was constructed on the original site in 1871. The congregation relocated to its third building on Hannah Ford Road in 1894; it became known as the Ebenezer Methodist Church. The church moved again in 1935 to Thompson Road, near its present location. It was then that the church changed its name to Pegram Methodist Church in honor of the Pegram Family who had donated the lots in 1894 and 1935 -- the same family whose ancestors established the first Ebenezer Meeting House. In 1968, when the Methodist and the Evangelical United Brethren Churches merged, this church became the Pegram United Methodist Church.
Construction on the current sanctuary, the fifth building, began in 1967 and the first service was held approximately one year later. In 1989, goundbreaking took place for a new wing containing a larger fellowship hall and additional classroom space for the growing congregation. A new industrial kitchen and elevator were added in 2006 which allowed us to host the Meals on Wheels program for the Pegram and Kingston Springs area, as well as facilitate easier access to the classroom and Sanctuary located on the upper level. At the time of construction ours was the second elevator in Cheatham County.
Pegram United Methodist Church became a "station" church in the Tennessee Conference in 1961, and continues to faithfully serve God and bring the hope of Christ to our community. Since the earliest gatherings, more than 130 pastors have served this congregation and graced our pulpit.
Photo by Rai Lynne Neely
The people of Pegram UMC are involved in many ministries in and around our community. Below are just a few examples. There is always a place for you to be in ministry too.

Noah's Closet